Thursday, 30 January 2014

Encryption to app.config

In order to keep the password not known to everyone logged on the machine, following blog uses the encryption for the userlevel.

Run the exe under the user using whom the password is encrypted.

Monday, 27 January 2014

List all Security roles for particular entity and privilige

I was struggling to figure out which security role has given delete access to particular custom entity. And I was getting bit annoyed by going to each security role and opening it. Finally I written some sql which does this for me.

select * from Privilege inner join PrivilegeObjectTypeCodes on PrivilegeObjectTypeCodes.PrivilegeId = Privilege.PrivilegeId
where ObjectTypeCode = <<entity type code>>e.g. 10056

then look copy value of specific privilege and use it at following query e.g. delete access of custom entity y is 65536

 select * from [role]
inner join RolePrivileges on [role].RoleId = RolePrivileges.RoleId
inner join Privilege on RolePrivileges.PrivilegeId = Privilege.PrivilegeId
inner join PrivilegeObjectTypeCodes on PrivilegeObjectTypeCodes.PrivilegeId = Privilege.PrivilegeId
where ObjectTypeCode = <<entity type code>> and accessright = <<accessright>>


--Following query lists the security roles which are currently not in use
select distinct r.Name from [Role] r
not in
( select distinct r.Name from SystemUserRoles  sur
 inner join [Role] r on sur.RoleId = r.RoleId
--Following query lists the security roles which are currently in use 
select distinct r.Name from SystemUserRoles  sur
inner join [Role] r on sur.RoleId = r.RoleId
--Following query lists down the user and security role assigned to them
select r.Name, su.FullName from SystemUserRoles  sur
inner join [Role] r on sur.RoleId = r.RoleId
inner join SystemUser su on sur.SystemUserId = su.SystemUserId
order by su.FullName,r.Name