Sunday 5 February 2012

javascript is not working "access denied"

I have done bit of customisation on entity record by adding ribbon button and on pressing that button I call code from server, its works fine form that machine having url of "http://devserver/orgname/main.aspx however when I am trying to access my machine from a different machine with fully qualified name something like my javascript is not working, and when I tried to close the page I was prompted with error screen and when I debuged javascript following is the line which was showing an error of "access denied" when trying to open connection,

var oXmlHttp = this.CreateXmlHttp();"POST", this.server + "/mscrmservices/2007/crmservice.asmx", (fUserCallback != null));

Here the this.server value is taken from Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl() and is "devserver", and I am trying to access it from "",

It's a security thing to prevent people from using AJAX between websites and servers.

Basically, whenever you write a URL in AJAX, it has to be the same URL as the website you are running the script on. Even the www. has to be the same.

Enable the option in the browser to "Access data sources across domain"

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