Monday, 19 May 2014

Reporting Service Error

When trying to open the URL http://<<devbx>>/reportserver  I was getting the error

Reporting Services Error

The permissions granted to user 'domain\kaleemkhan' are insufficient for performing this operation.
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SQL Server Reporting Services

Open the browser with the option of 'Run as administrator'


I created few reports and only one of them was working but others were giving following error

"...The server can not run the report or shared data set. The shared data source 'CRM' for the report server or SharePoint site is not valid.."

The reason is when we run the report in CRM it tries to replace the connection string of the crm org i.e. org details ending with _MSCRM with the inline server details but when we use the shared data source report doesn't contains the connection details hence we get error.


The report is created using the shared data source, and the reason one of the report was working was due to that was the first report and BI studio embedded the connection details with in the report and CRM detected that and update it with the inline crm server and org details.

SQL Reporting Server log path
<program files>\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS<10_50>.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFiles

replace data in the < > with the relevant details.

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